in case you couldn't understand what I was saying before mahesh fell over and almost knocked me down, we saw some buffalo
and also some real buffalo
that one lives by the KOA kampsite, but at least there's two of them. well, it's still kinda sad.
since then, we left oklahoma and headed for missouri, land of the caves.
we stopped at fantastic caverns (I really wanted to spell that with a k)
which was pretty fantastic and which we toured by propane jeep (yep, we stopped on a road trip to take a side tour in a different kind of vehicle).
back on the road, headed for st. louis, really wanting something fresh to eat after surviving on car sandos and beany mac, so we hunted down a whole foods and had $12 salads for dinner
totally worth it. almost. after eating breakfast in an american cheese and white bread diner next to the KOA kampsite, our two meals that day could not have been more disparate.
we pulled into the granite city KOA later that night. it was in a slightly sketchy part of town, but after touring around our motel options in the vicinity (one was called "budget motel") we decided to stick with the kampsite, and it turned out just fine. we've been using the electricity hookups to watch movies on my laptop in the tent. so rustic, and rural.
we left st. louis this morning
and hit the road again (we crossed the mississippi three times, twice by accident). we took highway 50, a nice two-lane rural backroad, which was a nice change from the superhighway and we got to see a lot of nice countryside. we ate lunch in a park and everything.
now we're in cincinnati, in mahesh's friend kreena's awesome house, after a slight self-guided tour of the city which I think hit every housing project in the surrounding area. tomorrow we're heading out towards connecticut, probably gonna stop a little over halfway, projecting our arrival in falls village early friday afternoon. I heard there's been 6 baby goats born already with 9 still to kid. I'm getting excited.
all we gotta do now is keep the sun at our backs.