Monday, April 12, 2010

and another thing

big news, people:

I got a tick.

I was just sitting here, after eating my dinner, talking to aitan on the phone about watching a movie in the lounge, when I felt a weird feeling on my hip and then there it was, a tick.

lauren pulled it out (best nurse ever) and it popped out with a little pop and one of its legs was briefly embedded but then it came out and now it's kinda sore. but I think it's all gonna be ok. this, of course, after I just yesterday proclaimed my tick immunity.

so, what else is going on?

it was a long day today, starting off with weeding strawberry beds, which are weedy as shit, all filled with perennial grasses and huge dandelion bunches. so we did that all morning and then went to do some nettle harvesting, which is probably where I got the tick. we're doing some experimental tea making this year, so we harvested a lot of stinging nettles which have excellent medicinal cleansing benefits, and set them up in the suburbs basement to dry.

then aitan and I set up the new grain trailer in the barnyard to keep all the chicken and goat food rodent-free, during which the goats took a little stroll around the grounds, after which we had to go round them up. aitan tried to teach me some goat-rounding-up techniques, involving 'walking behind them' and 'waving your arms', both of which I tried, both of which the goats totally ignored. I'm gonna practice though. I'm gonna get really good at rounding up those goats.

tomorrow, more strawberry weeding. it's an all-staff event. we'll see who shows up!

here's a picture of the lovely stream I cross to get home every day/night, in which you can see my cabin in the background.
alright that's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting about the tick - did you bundle your pant cuffs with your shirt tucked in and your belt cinched tight?
